Greetings from the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, where a delayed spring is finally in the air.
Also in the air is the sound of the GS team loading 20 tons of concentrate into a shipping container. This is our first Ocean Partners sale and an important milestone.
The concentrate’s ultimate destination is a refinery in Taiwan which is one of the international centers for the type of refining this material requires. The process is that Ocean Partners delivers a shipping container on a flatbed truck for us to load with twenty tons of material. Once loaded the concentrate is off to a container ship where it sets sail for Taiwan. We sample each of the supersacks and await lab results as to how much gold, silver, copper, and other metals are being shipped. This shipment should have gone out a few weeks ago. Multiple feet of snow and freezing weather delayed things. But, with gold now trading at about $2,300 an ounce, we actually made money while digging and thawing out.
Hopefully gold prices will maintain this delightful trend and the winter of our discontent will be long forgotten in a golden spring. So much for my thousand words – here are pictures of the team in action and a loaded truck heading out.

Franklin Levy
GS Mining Company
Have they received the shipment? Any idea when you will receive and share the results?