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1/16/20 | 240 Foot level

240 Level Cut Samples


On the 9th of January, 2020 multiple cut samples were taken from the sill of the 240ft level of the Bates Hunter Mine. These samples were taken from an easily and safely accessible location. Tools used to obtain these cut samples include hammer and chisel, electric grinder, sample bags, and appropriate personal protective equipment. These samples are the thirteenth set of samples taken by the current operator of the Bates-Hunter mine, BH Mining Company, and the first set of samples taken in 2020.


The sampling is of the Bates vein in the sill of the drift on the 240 ft level, beginning 65 ft west of the shaft, just beyond the end of the installed track. Samples 240-005, 240-006, 240-007, 240-008 and 240-008H were all spaced at approximately 6ft intervals, progressing to the west. Samples 240-009 and 240-009H were taken 18ft past 240-008. All samples were cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein over the visibly identifiable width of heavy mineralization.

Samples were sent to Hazen Research, Inc. in Golden, Colorado who performed fire assay analysis with gravimetric finish. Results presented in Table 1.0 are from Analytical Report 20M01090.

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Sample Descriptions (All cuts samples are 1 inch deep,1 inch wide along a variable reported length)


240-005: Sample length is 12”. Vein is located in the center of the cut with a 7” thickness. The vein mineralogy contains dark grey sooty chalcocite with small pyrite. Bleached white sericite with disseminated pyrite on either side of vein.


240-006: Sample length is 12”. Vein is Located in the center of the cut with a 3.5” thickness. The vein mineralogy is a dark grey sooty chalcocite with pyrite. Vein material is very brittle. Wall rock of the vein is a bleached white sericite bearing pyrite.


240-007: Sample length is12”. The vein is split into two separate bodies. The southern split is 3” thick while the northern split is 4” thick, parted by a 1” section of sericite. The vein mineralogy is composed of a very metallic grey chalcocite and is very brittle. On either side of the vein is bleached sericite with pyrite.


240-008: Sample length is a 26”. 12” heart of vein with 8” on the south side and 6” on the north side. Wall rock of the vein is a bleached white sericite containing pyrite crystals. The vein had a dominant mineralogy of dark grey chalcocite with pyrite.


240-008H: This sample is composed of the “heart” of the vein in a 12” cut. The mineralogy of the vein is a dark grey chalcocite with very metallic pyrite. The southern portion of the vein is slightly coarser grained than the north side.


240-009: Sample length is 17”. Heart of the vein is 4.5“containing Dark Grey chalcocite with very metallic pyrite. The wall rock on either side of the vein is a sericite bearing chlorite and pyrite.


240-009H: This sample is composed of the heart of the vein in a 4.5” cut. Mineralogy is dark grey chalcocite with very metallic pyrite crystals. The vein is also very brittle in this location.


Near-term planned work includes additional samples to be taken from the 240-foot level. Mineralized material located in fill and easily accessible vein remnants is being gathered as it becomes safely accessible for bulk sample analysis to include metallurgical recovery and mineral processing properties.

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