10/25/19 | West Hunter Escape | 135 Feet
Grab Sample
In October of 2019 a grab sample was taken from approximately 135 ft down the West Hunter Escape Shaft. The West Hunter Escape Shaft is about 350 ft west of the Bates Hunter mine on the same gold vein structure. At the time of sampling the 135 ft level was at the bottom of the West Hunter shaft. The Sill was composed of flaked off ribs that jammed. About 10 ft east of the shaft manway there was a section of the footwall rib that had remnants of the ore body. The vein remnants ranged from about 2-6 inches thick and spanned about the diameter of a 6ft circle. This sample was taken from an easily and safely accessible location for the individual to collect from the footwall rib.
Samples were sent to Hazen Research, Inc. in Golden, Colorado who performed fire assay analysis with gravimetric finish. Results presented in Table 1.0 are from Analytical Report 19M03054-001.
Tools used to obtain these cut samples include shovel, sample bags, hammer, chisel and appropriate personal protective equipment. These samples are the tenth set of samples taken by the current operator of the Bates-Hunter mine, BH Mining Company.

Sample 1: WH135-001: A 1-gallon zip lock bag was filled ½ of the way with remnant ore material. The Ore is composed of about 90% Pyrite, and 10% sooty chalcocite. Pyrite crystals were large, some spanning 1/3 of an inch in width. Minor Peacocking* visible in the chalcocite.
*Peacocking: “Peacock ore”, the informal name for an iridescent copper mineral having a lustrous, tarnished surface exhibiting variegated color.
Near-term planned work includes additional samples to be taken from the 240-foot level. Mineralized material located in fill and easily accessible vein remnants is being gathered as it becomes safely accessible for bulk sample analysis to include metallurgical recovery and mineral processing properties.